Handmade Angels and Bears Christmas 2010

This is a collection of ornaments I did for last Christmas for my family and friends. It’s all made of plaster and painted with acrylics.

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Fašnik 2011 (Masquerade)

Ove godine dobila sam želju dvoje prijatelja da ih maskiram u Jokera i zombija. Bilo je napeto jer sam imala samo 2 sata

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Jane 007

Her name is Bond. Jane Bond. 😀

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Morphic Adaptation

Another photoshop oldie :).

Cat tutorial

A short tutorial/walkthrough of my painting “Muky”. Muky is my 12 years old cat, living with my parents.

Claire Bennet

Claire Bennet is a fictional character from TV series “Heroes” played by Hayden Panettiere.

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Carmen Electra

Something older

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Halloween 2010

Here are the images of make up I did for last Halloween. We have Ziggy Stardust,

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Painted jewelry box

I found a wooden box I bought who knows when so I decided to finally paint it.

Teddy angel

From Christmas series, made from plaster and painted with acrylics.